Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased! Luke 2:14, ESV

What thoughts are on your mind as we approach the Christmas season? Are you overwhelmed because there are so many expectations? Do you feel sadness or despair because a family member is no longer here to celebrate with you? Maybe you are just plain tired because you feel pressured to do more than you can reasonably accomplish.  Does joy seem like a foreign word to you because of all the stress? 

The angels were full of joy as they praised God with these words after Jesus’ birth: “Glory to God in the highest…”

According to Strong’s concordance,
glory, in the original Greek text, is the word doxa, which describes the honor due to God because of His magnificence, excellence, dignity, grace and preeminence. 

Words from this newer Christmas hymn help us to see the magnificence of God which the angels were announcing: “Joy has dawned upon the world, Promised from creation— God’s salvation now unfurled, Hope for every nation. Not with fanfares from above, Not with scenes of glory, But a humble gift of love—Jesus born of Mary.” 

God planned from creation to send this wonderful gift to the world. His salvation allows us to be forgiven from sin and have a right relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus!

He promised joy, hope and peace to those who receive that gift and live in obedience to Him.

Friend, as we ponder the precious gift of salvation given to us by God through the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus, may our hearts be filled with thankfulness, joy and glory to God for His indescribable gift! 

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