We Believe:

• That the Bible is the inspired Word of God. This means that God supernaturally guided the writers of Scripture to communicate His message.

• That the Bible is the only perfect rule for faith and conduct until Jesus returns.

• That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.

• That there is only one true God, who eternally exists in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, commonly called the Trinity. These three persons are truly equal in their essential being, and yet have separate and distinct functions.

• That man is fallen and consequently cannot please God apart from receiving salvation through Jesus Christ.

• That the death of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, completely satisfies God’s judgment (the death penalty) for our sin.

• That by faith any person can receive Jesus Christ and His provision of eternal life. His or her sin is forgiven, and that person is assured a home in heaven.

• That all will be resurrected: the saved to eternal bliss, and the lost to eternal damnation.

• That Christians will manifest a desire to please God with a walk of personal holiness and obedience to the Holy Spirit in expectation of the return of Jesus Christ.

The above statements are borrowed from my beloved home church and are believed in my heart. They are the foundations of all we build here at Page of Joy.

We are young, old and in-between. We welcome the single, married and widowed. We are women seeking to glorify God in all that we do. We draw near to Jesus, seek to know Him more through the Bible and desire for the Spirit to continually work in and through us. We desire to have teachable hearts that we might learn from godly women who are wise in the way of the Lord, that we might be equipped to better share the Gospel and disciple the next generation. Together, we are women discovering true, powerful and lasting joy in the Lord! We then take our renewed joy and spread it to the world around us for the glory of God.

I’m so glad you are here.

-Stephanie Page, Founder of pageofjoy.com